Are you in the US? If yes, the school must test your daughter for learning disabilities you may have to fight for it depending on your jurisdiction. It is covered under the Federal Law. My daughter, I thought was reading to me before kindergarten because I read to her all the time. When I got the call from school that she could not read a single word in second grade I thought they had the wrong parent. She had been memorizing what I had read to her. It turned out she had extensive learning disabilities across the board. I am telling you this because early intervention IS important and YOU are spot on to react now. As I write this my daughter is in her final semester, on the dean's list, full academic scholarship of a teaching degree for hearing impaired education. She will start her career as a teacher in January. It was a long hard struggle of tutors and special help but neither of us regret a minute of it.
She is 24 and we both laugh today because I am a financial accountant and back when she was 6 months from graduating from high school with all kinds of honors, top of her class after completing calculas and all the other math classes, I actually lost my temper in a meeting with the principal and school counselor. All I said was "how can you possibly graduate someone with all these honors who has NO clue how to count MONEY?" Boy did I get a deer in headlights look.
Learning disabilities can be overcome with the proper techniques, you just need to get the right people with the correct knowledge on board to help.